If you are suffering from dental pain, you may already know that you should schedule an appointment to see a dentist. However, you may be unfamiliar with various general dentistry applications that are frequently performed to lessen tooth pain. Here are a few of these procedures.
A cavity can cause severe dental discomfort. The hole that forms in the tooth material as the tooth enamel is exposed to bacterial acids can expose dental nerves that are usually covered. This exposure can result in painful dental sensitivity that makes chewing or even speaking difficult.
When a dentist fills a cavity, he or she removes the area of the tooth that has been decayed by the acids. The dentist then restores the missing portion of the tooth by installing a filling.
A filling can be made from a wide variety of materials, including tooth-colored substances, such as resin or porcelain. Once the filling has been applied, the dental nerves are properly covered again, lessening the chance of inflammation and recurrent dental pain.
As a person grows older, the gums sometimes recede. This recession can also occur due to periodontal disease. Nevertheless, regardless of the reason for the gum recession, the condition can often lead to having painfully sensitive teeth.
The roots of the teeth, which are usually covered by the gums, are not protected by tooth enamel. As a result, the nerves contained in the roots may be more easily exposed to environmental irritants, such as pressure and changes in temperature.
To cover the exposed roots, the dentist can apply a dental sealant. After the tooth surfaces are sealed, the painful dental sensitivity should subside.
Root Canal Procedures
The nerves of a tooth originate in the innermost layer of tooth material, which is called the pulp. This soft layer of tooth material can become irritated by trauma or a dental infection, causing the dental nerves that it contains to be inflamed.
Sometimes, the inflammation subsides as the infection is rectified or the trauma heals. However, the dental nerves may be irreparably damaged.
In order to stop the resulting pain, a root canal procedure can be performed to remove the pulp, along with the dental nerves. Once the pulp is removed, the tooth is filled and capped. With the dental nerves no longer in place, the dental pain is alleviated.
If you are experiencing mouth pain, schedule an appointment with a dentist in your local area.
Share26 January 2018
Being born with naturally soft teeth, I've spent a lot of time in and out of the dentist's office. Not only have I learned a lot about basic dental care, I've also discovered many tips for dealing with broken teeth, extractions, implants, and more. I decided that I wanted to make the most of my experience by sharing what I've learned with others. True first-hand experience is a great teacher, and I knew that my story could help. I created this site to do just that, and I hope that the information here helps you to understand what to expect from your dental problems.