4 Reasons To Choose A Maryland Bridge To Replace Missing Teeth

Dentist Blog

A dental bridge is a prosthetic that can replace one or more teeth in a dental arch. Although you can choose from several types of dental bridges, the Maryland bonded bridge is favored by some patients for its unique advantages.

If you are considering replacing your teeth with a dental bridge, here are five reasons why a Maryland bonded bridge is a good option. 

1. No reduction of adjacent teeth

Because Maryland bonded bridges attach to the adjacent teeth via wings, which bond to the backs of the teeth, there is no need to reduce adjacent teeth for crown placement. Traditional and cantilever dental bridges require the abutment teeth to be reduced in size and shape for the crown. This forever alters the appearance of those teeth.

Since Maryland bridges only bond to the backs of the adjacent teeth, your natural teeth remain intact.

2. Less risk of damage to teeth and pulp

Reducing the adjacent teeth for crown placement puts those teeth at greater risk of suffering damage during the surgery or in the future. If the dental pulp suffers damage, then a root canal will be necessary to remove the pulp before it becomes infected. Maryland bridges don't carry the risk of causing damage to the dental pulp because they only bond to the backs of teeth via wings.

3. Fast results

If you need to replace your teeth quickly, then a Maryland bonded bridge is the choice for you. Because Maryland bridges only consist of false teeth and the wings attached to those teeth, they take less time to prepare than other bridge types such as traditional bridges or cantilever bridges. This is an advantage if you are in a hurry or if you want to spend a minimal amount of time in the dentist's chair.

4. Easy to clean

Oral hygiene is a simple matter with a Maryland bridge. The wings of a Maryland bridge lie above the gum line, meaning you'll be able to easily remove plaque from your teeth and gums even with the dental bridge in place.

A Maryland bonded bridge doesn't require a significant reduction of adjacent teeth. This is the primary reason why some patients prefer the Maryland bonded bridge over the other types of bridge. But not everyone is a good candidate for a Maryland bridge. Speak to your dentist today to find out if they can replace your teeth with a Maryland bonded bridge.


29 September 2022

Dealing With Dental Dilemmas: Soft Teeth and Dental Care

Being born with naturally soft teeth, I've spent a lot of time in and out of the dentist's office. Not only have I learned a lot about basic dental care, I've also discovered many tips for dealing with broken teeth, extractions, implants, and more. I decided that I wanted to make the most of my experience by sharing what I've learned with others. True first-hand experience is a great teacher, and I knew that my story could help. I created this site to do just that, and I hope that the information here helps you to understand what to expect from your dental problems.