Traditional Or Lingual: Which Braces Are Best For You?

Dentist Blog

If you need to have braces put on your teeth then you may be thinking about what type of braces you want. If you have narrowed it down to regular braces that are put on the fronts of your teeth or with lingual teeth that are put on the backs of your teeth, then you should learn more about what they each offer, as well as what some of the negatives are.

18 November 2017

Why You Should Get Tooth Implants As Soon As Possible

Dentist Blog

If you've lost a tooth, you might put getting a replacement on the backburner. Like most dental problems, however, you should never delay getting your tooth replaced after you've had it come out. Waiting to have a lost tooth replaced can potentially endanger your oral health and even change your appearance. Read on to learn more about this and to discover the best way to replace your missing tooth. Bone Loss

26 October 2017

Your Teen Feel Self Conscious About Braces? 2 Options That Are Not As Noticeable

Dentist Blog

Do you have a teenager with teeth that need a bit of help with proper alignment? They may be resistant to getting braces because they do not want to have teeth with metal brackets attached to the front for the foreseeable future. While traditional braces can be quite effective at fixing even the most extreme teeth alignment problems, there are alternative methods that are less visible to others. Here are 2 options for braces that aren't as noticeable.

27 September 2017

Why You Should Have A Broken Filling Repaired Quickly And How It's Done

Dentist Blog

Although dental work such as crowns and fillings last for many years, they may eventually fail. It's not uncommon to lose a filling when you bite down on something hard. If your filling breaks off or falls out, you want to get to the dentist as soon as you can. Here's why you want to seek help and what the dentist may do to repair your broken fillings: Why You Should Repair A Damaged Filling Quickly

2 September 2017

Tips To Prevent Toddler Tooth Decay

Dentist Blog

For some children, tooth decay surfaces almost as soon as they begin growing in teeth. Although a cavity on a baby tooth may not seem like a big deal, it can spread into the adult teeth that are lining up to come in. Tooth decay also indicates a lot of bacteria is in your toddler's mouth, which can lead to other oral infections. The following tips can help you prevent toddler tooth decay.

2 August 2017

Two Tips To Help You Get Dental Care On A Budget

Dentist Blog

If you've ever dealt with a dental emergency, you know just how scary they can be. Whether it's a head-splitting toothache or an incident where you bit into something and ended up with a cracked tooth, the situation could be quite dire. If you find yourself dealing with a scenario like this and you don't have dental insurance, you might feel like you have nowhere to turn. After all of your at-home remedies have failed you, it's time to get some professional assistance.

18 July 2017

Could Your Dentist Have the Solution to Your Sleep Apnea?

Dentist Articles

Obstructive sleep apnea is a condition that causes you to stop breathing in your sleep. Sufferers stop breathing for at least 10 seconds, and sometimes for as long as 30 seconds or more. There are a number of different treatment options depending on the patient's health status and the severity of their sleep apnea, but if you suffer from sleep apnea, or suspect that you do, you may find that the best treatment for you comes from a surprising source: your dentist.

20 June 2017

5 Tips For Taking Care Of Your Tooth Following A Root Canal

Dentist Blog

If you need to have a root canal, you need to know how to take care of your tooth before you go in for the procedure so you can ensure that you take proper care of the area after the procedure is done. Here are five things that you should do to take care of your surgical site inside of your mouth. #1 Wait To Eat After your procedure, your mouth is going to be numb from the procedure.

25 May 2017

3 Things To Know Before Getting Dentures

Dentist Blog

Missing teeth due to a dental condition or injury affects your ability to eat and speak, but it also has a severe impact on your self-esteem and emotional wellness. Thankfully, dentists offer numerous options for patients who are missing one or more teeth. Implants, bridges, and dentures offer effective solutions in smile restorations. Dentures are one of the most common options due to their ease and convenience, but most people do not truly understand this popular method of restoring smiles.

9 May 2017

3 Signs You May Have A Cracked Tooth

Dentist Blog

You might think it would be obvious if you had a crack in one of your teeth, but it's actually quite common for small, hairline cracks or fractures in the teeth to go unnoticed for many years. Still, cracked teeth can expose the tooth's inner pulp, making it more prone to infection and decay, which is why it's a good idea to be on the lookout for some common symptoms of cracked teeth.

19 January 2017