
Here's Why Flossing Can Be So Hard

Dentist Blog

Nearly everyone knows that flossing is a necessity to keep your gums and teeth healthy. However, getting started can be tough, especially if you haven't taken the best of care of your oral health. However, that doesn't mean you should give up on flossing. Keep reading to discover why it can be so hard or unpleasant to start flossing and what you can do to make it easier for yourself.

17 July 2018

3 Reasons To Choose Clear Braces

Dentist Blog

Many Americans have naturally crooked or gapped teeth, but braces provide a way to get a straight smile. In the past, metal braces were the norm; however, more and more patients are choosing Invisalign clear braces for their many benefits. If you need braces but are hesitant about getting metal braces, check out these three facts about clear braces. They Use Plastic Aligners to Move Teeth Invisalign braces use plastic aligners to move your teeth.

24 June 2018

Ways A Hygienist Makes Sure All Your Plaque Is Gone

Dentist Blog

One of the top reasons you should visit a dentist twice a year is for the deep cleaning the dental hygienist performs during these regular visits. A deep cleaning is designed for one key purposeā€”to remove the plaque from your teeth, and there are a number of different steps a hygienist takes to do this and make sure all the plaque is gone. Scrapes teeth Plaque is the substance you can find on your teeth that can lead to cavities if it is not removed, and that is why removing the plaque from your teeth is a vital part of good oral care.

24 May 2018

Answering A Few Pediatric Dental Questions

Dentist Blog

Making sure that your child's oral health needs are being met will be an important part of being a parent. However, there are many questions that new parents may have when it comes to their child's oral health. Learning more about the answers to these routine dental questions will make it easier for you to meet the dental health needs of your child. Why Should You Have Your Child's Teeth Sealed?

14 April 2018

When At-Home Gum Care Is Not Enough

Dentist Blog

If your gums bleed a bit or show signs of minimal swelling, their state can be quickly improved through good oral hygiene. Brushing and flossing help to remove the bacteria and dental plaque that cause the gums to become inflamed. As a result, the earliest stages of gum disease can be reversed simply by cleaning the mouth more thoroughly. Nevertheless, there are instances when at-home care may not be enough to improve the state of your gums.

18 March 2018

Be Careful Of Dental Damages

Dentist Blog

Along with making sure you don't develop dental problems like cavities and gingivitis, you also want to be sure you do what you can to prevent broken or chipped teeth from occurring. While your teeth are very strong, they are still susceptible to chipping and breaking. They have weak areas and some people even have weaker teeth than others. The way you treat your teeth, genetics and even the foods you eat regularly can all play a part in the strength of y our teeth.

24 February 2018

Dental Applications That Lessen Tooth Pain

Dentist Blog

If you are suffering from dental pain, you may already know that you should schedule an appointment to see a dentist. However, you may be unfamiliar with various general dentistry applications that are frequently performed to lessen tooth pain. Here are a few of these procedures. Fillings A cavity can cause severe dental discomfort. The hole that forms in the tooth material as the tooth enamel is exposed to bacterial acids can expose dental nerves that are usually covered.

26 January 2018

3 Methods To Help You Improve Your Oral Health This New Year

Dentist Blog

With the new year just beginning, now is a good time to begin some resolutions to improve your health. In addition to beginning a new exercise program and healthy eating, for example, keeping your oral health in tip-top shape can help improve your overall well-being. Here are three methods you can implement to help you keep your oral health in good condition. Keep Clean Teeth One of the first ways to keep your teeth healthy is by keeping your teeth free of plaque and other bacteria that can commonly build up on them.

3 January 2018

Traditional Or Lingual: Which Braces Are Best For You?

Dentist Blog

If you need to have braces put on your teeth then you may be thinking about what type of braces you want. If you have narrowed it down to regular braces that are put on the fronts of your teeth or with lingual teeth that are put on the backs of your teeth, then you should learn more about what they each offer, as well as what some of the negatives are.

18 November 2017

Why You Should Get Tooth Implants As Soon As Possible

Dentist Blog

If you've lost a tooth, you might put getting a replacement on the backburner. Like most dental problems, however, you should never delay getting your tooth replaced after you've had it come out. Waiting to have a lost tooth replaced can potentially endanger your oral health and even change your appearance. Read on to learn more about this and to discover the best way to replace your missing tooth. Bone Loss

26 October 2017